Thriller, by Michael Jackson: my all time favorite album.

What’s your all-time favorite album?

Since I was first introduced to this album in 1983 (came out in November of 1982) I became intrigued by these songs. Michael Jackson has been a legend and a pop star icon . In my opinion, nobody has been able to surpass him.

The best album ever.

I remember as an 8 year old kid holding the record album in my hands and reading the song lyrics that were printed on the record cover inside. I totally enjoyed his music and continue to enjoy it to this day.

My favorite song from this album is “Beat it.” The second one on the list is “Billie Jean”, and the third one is “Triller.”

When his next album, “Bad”, came out, it was not as exciting as “Thriller.” But still enjoyed most of his songs. I also learned to do the “moon walk dance” as a preteen. I remember listening and watching the video where Michael Jackson and other popular singers joined together in an ensemble to participate in the charity song “We are the World” to fight hunger in Africa. I was in fourth grade when this other album came out.

I think that Michael revolutionized pop music, like Elvis revolutionized Rock and Roll. His scintillating dance moves and singing voice have been an unforgettable performance in modern history. When he passed away in 2009, the whole world mourned his departure. But his album, “Thriller,” will always be his number one master piece.