Surrender, Simplify, and Serve: principles I (try to) live by.

What principles define how you live?

I wrote a post a few years ago with the similar title. I have tried to live my life surrendering to what I cannot change. I have also tried to simplify my life by being meek and practicing minimalism. And I also believe that we are here to help others in need.

To surrender is to simply let go of things that I cannot change. It is to accept and be thankful for what I have. Surrendering can be scary sometimes, but it definitely brings up a new beginning, and a fresh look at life.

Simplifying is basically getting rid of unnecessary clutter in life. Not just the material, but also mentally. I always associate it with being “poor in spirit.” when we are poor in spirit, that implies that we empty ourselves so that we can be more mindful

And to serve is to help others in need. It could be through charity, volunteering, or simply helping your fellow neighbor. It is a matter of sometimes practicing self denial, and helping others. In other words, following the “Golden Rule.”

These are the main principles I have tried to live on a daily basis. Sometimes it is a struggle, but not impossible. Meditation and grounding techniques help me to be more present and still.

Spending quality time with my family.. and being still.

What details of your life could you pay more attention to?

Spending more time with my family is what I would like to be doing with more attention. I would prefer to continue to share ideas with them instead of staring at our devices. My children are growing much older, and soon they will be moving out. My wife and I are also growing older. We will soon not be able to do the things that we can do and take for granted. So spending mindful time with them is priceless. I don’t want to feign that we are a happy family if we don’t actually spend meaningful time talking with each other.

Going to the beach with the family is priceless.

We used to have an entrenched tradition of having dinner together at the table. We also used to go to church together as well. But now all those traditions are obsolete at this moment. I understand that life goes on and that people change. But spending quality time together and taking with each other on a regular basis is what I would like to do more.

I also want to continue to live an austere lifestyle without complications or preoccupation about the material things. So living peacefully and with gratitude would be another area where I would like to spend more attention to.

Thank you for reading.

Thriller, by Michael Jackson: my all time favorite album.

What’s your all-time favorite album?

Since I was first introduced to this album in 1983 (came out in November of 1982) I became intrigued by these songs. Michael Jackson has been a legend and a pop star icon . In my opinion, nobody has been able to surpass him.

The best album ever.

I remember as an 8 year old kid holding the record album in my hands and reading the song lyrics that were printed on the record cover inside. I totally enjoyed his music and continue to enjoy it to this day.

My favorite song from this album is “Beat it.” The second one on the list is “Billie Jean”, and the third one is “Triller.”

When his next album, “Bad”, came out, it was not as exciting as “Thriller.” But still enjoyed most of his songs. I also learned to do the “moon walk dance” as a preteen. I remember listening and watching the video where Michael Jackson and other popular singers joined together in an ensemble to participate in the charity song “We are the World” to fight hunger in Africa. I was in fourth grade when this other album came out.

I think that Michael revolutionized pop music, like Elvis revolutionized Rock and Roll. His scintillating dance moves and singing voice have been an unforgettable performance in modern history. When he passed away in 2009, the whole world mourned his departure. But his album, “Thriller,” will always be his number one master piece.

Relaxing by living Mindfully

How do you relax?

Sunsets help me to relax.

This is an interesting question to ask, because it has been the most important topic in my blog. I have not written in this blog for many months because of a busy life and being distracted by social media. But this question caught my attention and decided to answer it today.

I have several hobbies that I enjoy which brings me joy and tranquility. My favorite one is drawing and coloring. I have done art all of my life, since I was a little kid. What do I like to draw? Pretty much anything, especially cartoons and human portraits. I also like to paint with water color and acrylic paint. I have done charcoal, oil painting , and ink. I use a variety of mediums and styles as well.

This is one of my recent drawings.

It brings me back to the present moment through mindfulness . What is Mindfulness? It is simply being purposefully aware of the “here and the now.” It is being “grounded” to what is happening around me. It also involves being aware of the thoughts that I have at the moment.

One of the best lessons I have learned in life is that I am not my thoughts. The same way that I am not my feelings. So what am I? I am awareness. Being mindfully aware of my surroundings and my thoughts helps be to relax.

So another way to relax for me is to do meditation and taking deep breaths. I always have my breath with me (unless I am under water) , so I can always count on my breath to relax. I also enjoy taking walks and reading books. I like to read about psychology, philosophy , and also science fiction.

I enjoy being in nature and watching sunrises and sunsets. The mixture of different colors and clouds on the horizon brings me peace. It reminds me of the beauty of this universe.

Relaxing is very important to me because I have a long history of anxiety. But thankfully I have managed to practice these relaxations techniques and be able to be more in the present moment. I also started posting videos that describe my experience with mindfulness.

Thank you for reading and I would also like to hear from you about your experiences with relaxation techniques. Keep relaxing!