Surrender, Simplify, and Serve: principles I (try to) live by.

What principles define how you live?

I wrote a post a few years ago with the similar title. I have tried to live my life surrendering to what I cannot change. I have also tried to simplify my life by being meek and practicing minimalism. And I also believe that we are here to help others in need.

To surrender is to simply let go of things that I cannot change. It is to accept and be thankful for what I have. Surrendering can be scary sometimes, but it definitely brings up a new beginning, and a fresh look at life.

Simplifying is basically getting rid of unnecessary clutter in life. Not just the material, but also mentally. I always associate it with being “poor in spirit.” when we are poor in spirit, that implies that we empty ourselves so that we can be more mindful

And to serve is to help others in need. It could be through charity, volunteering, or simply helping your fellow neighbor. It is a matter of sometimes practicing self denial, and helping others. In other words, following the “Golden Rule.”

These are the main principles I have tried to live on a daily basis. Sometimes it is a struggle, but not impossible. Meditation and grounding techniques help me to be more present and still.

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